Web 2.0 ... What's That?

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, July 23, 2008
This is the newest, hippest buzz word that you can throw out in conversation. Web 2.0 (pronounced web two point ooah.) If you don’t know what it means, that doesn’t matter. All that really matters is that you have experienced what it is on the internet.
Nutshell: Any online collaboration. In other words, creating and talking with others to make something new. We are talking about wikis, blogs like this one, social bookmarks like Diigo, photo sharing like Flikr, and a whole lot more.
Phase one was the Facebook stuff and it is still probably the leader.  However, Facebook suffers because it is not safe. There are far too many backdoors to get personal data even though the user tries to eliminate them by making their page private. Therefore, what Facebook has is a great system but open to misuse.
Wikis are the best of a democratic society. Everyone contributes equally. Please check out last year’s six grades WeatherWiki. All of these pages were created as a group effort. And many edits were made before the final version.
But what else is there that is Web 2.0?   This is my list of the latest, and coolest stuff I’ve found.  Play around with it. But always remember SAFETY.  If it asks for you to sign up, please do not use your real name but instead a user name. If it requires an email address, ask your parents first. If you need a password, it is not good to use words from a dictionary. Mix numbers and letter to form a password.

If these don’t give you enough to play around with, well there are some more advanced sites but maybe we will have to wait until class time.  See you then.


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